Born 2 June 2024, Hunter and Romeo had 8 puppies. 3 males and 5 females. 3 black puppies and 5 silver

Born 2 June 2024, Hunter and Romeo had 8 puppies. 3 males and 5 females. 3 black puppies and 5 silver. Hunter is a UKC champion. You can see by her photo she has great confirmation. She has excellent bone density. Not “big boned”. She weighs 65lbs on most days. Good bone density enables dogs to “brace” for their person. Her offspring have went on to be not only service dogs, but personal protection dogs. Although Romeo was not shown he has sired many litters in his life time that have been successful in confirmation, performance, and service dog work. He has a kind and confident personality. Pups will be evaluated for confirmation and temperament tested at 7 weeks. Will be microchipped, vaccinated, and wormed prior to going to their forever homes.

See The Puppies

Peggy Sue and Romeo, born on 28 May 2024. 2 males and 2 females

Our all silver litter, Peggy Sue and Romeo, born on 28 May 2024. 2 males and 2 females. Peggy Sue’s is a quiet and sweet girl. She has had one other litter, and the pups were just like her. Pups will be evaluated for confirmation and temperament tested at 7 weeks. Will be microchipped, vaccinated, and wormed prior to going to their forever homes.

See The Puppies

Rizzo and Banjo. 8 pups, 5 males and 3 females.

Our 1 st brown litter in several years on 10 Jun. Rizzo and Banjo. 8 pups, 5 males and 3 females. Banjo, a parti, has produced multiple UKC champions. This is our 1 st litter with Rizzo, the pups are dark brown and a few of them have white hairs on their chest and 1 actually has a white chest. Pups will be evaluated for confirmation and temperament tested at 7 weeks. Will be microchipped, vaccinated, and wormed prior to going to their forever homes.

See The Puppies

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